This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the MSA) on behalf of Constantine Group Limited, a private limited company registered in England and Wales with registered company number 00649369 and its subsidiaries as noted below. We continue to be committed to acting responsibly and with integrity in all our business relationships and continue to take measures to implement and enforce effective systems and processes to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere within our control or influence.
Our business
Constantine Group Limited is a parent company and this statement is made by Constantine Group Limited which also owns the below businesses:
- Constantine Limited – Company number 00948446
- Peters & May Group – Company number 06987252
- Simtex International – Company number 03134171
- Stockbridge Land Limited (50%) – Company number 11310995
- Constantine Land Limited – Company number 00334258
- Constantine Energy Limited – Company number 07312483
- Constantine Holdings Limited – Company number 11043460
together the Group
Constantine Limited is a fine art storage and logistics business.
P&M Group Limited is a maritime logistics company, which has several subsidiary companies.
Simtex International Limited is a dangerous goods logistics business.
Stockbridge Land Limited is a residential property developer, which holds development sites in subsidiary companies.
Constantine Land Limited invests in property and holds several dormant companies.
Constantine Energy Limited invests in energy production companies, mainly renewable.
Constantine Holdings Limited is a dormant company.
Our staff
We are committed to creating a working environment that is open, inclusive, supportive, that is based on mutual respect and trust and where everyone feels valued. Our ambition is for our staff to enjoy a working environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation. This policy covers all employees, contractors, temporary workers and prospective employees. It applies to all aspects of employment, from recruitment and selection through to leaving the business.
We have robust internal policies and processes in place to uphold and protect the rights and working conditions of our staff, to ensure that all employees are safe, of working age, and that we are complying with the provisions of the MSA and our staff are encouraged to identify and report any potential concerns to appropriate managers or senior officers of the business.
Our supply chains
The Group’s supply chains include a wide range of suppliers. We operate zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking within our business. We expect all those in our supply chains to comply with our values.
Wherever possible and commercially viable, we purchase goods and services from established suppliers and we expect them to have suitable anti-slavery and human trafficking policies and processes in place.
We purchase a wide range of professional and operational services as would be expected of a large group, such as legal, accountancy, information technology, insurance, property, cleaning, catering, maintenance and other such services from time to time. These relationships are governed by written supply contracts which we aim to ensure are fair and balanced and include responsibilities for compliance.
We acknowledge our responsibility to be alert to the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains. We consider the risks in our current supply chains to be low, based on the location of the majority of our suppliers and product/service categories that we purchase. Nevertheless, we continue to monitor and develop our responsibilities in this regard, as appropriate.
We make training available to relevant members of staff to improve and develop our knowledge on this subject, with particular focus on our human resources, logistics and buying teams. Company directors have been reminded of their continued responsibilities to ensure our compliance with the requirements of the MSA.
Due Diligence
We continue to monitor suppliers we believe present high modern slavery risks in our supply chain. This includes those who support the procurement of goods and materials for our fundraising and marketing activities and for resale in our network of charity shops, particularly where those goods and materials are acquired from suppliers in high risk countries.
This statement reflects the steps that Constantine Group Limited has taken during its financial year ending 31 December 2018 to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in its own business or wider supply chain. We recognise that this requires constant monitoring and improvement and will continue to maintain and develop our knowledge and efforts going forwards.